My daughter is 13 years old. Her hands and feet were so sweaty that she could not even carry out daily activities. This made her very shy at home, in school and outside too. She felt very bad when she was saying this to us. Moreover, her principal and her well-wishers had told us that she might be suffering from a medical condition and suggested we take her to the hospital. But, there was no use even when we took her to many hospitals for treatment. Therefore, she felt embarrassed wherever she went. Now a days, she rarely visits her friends. We started worrying not knowing what to do.
Meanwhile, we got to know through a youth awareness program about Yuva Spandana Kendra and visited there. The Yuva Samalochaka welcomed us very warmly. She asked us the reason of the visit and listened carefully to our problem with a calm stature. When she understood our problem, she asked us, is there anybody in our family who has the same kind of problem? Later we realized and remembered, her aunt had the same kind of problem.
However, her aunt had this at a very young age. And as the days passed, it gradually decreased and now she is absolutely fine. The Yuva Samalochaka made us aware of the problem. She guided us to develop confidence in our child even if she feels embarrassed. Further, the Yuva Samalochaka called my daughter to speak and reduced her irritation and embarrassment through supportive counselling. As a result, she becames more strong, courageous and her mind had been free. Moreover, Yuva Samalochaka had taught us, how to develop her confidence. Therefore, I thank Yuva Spandana Kendra for the co-operation.